Friday 21 September 2012

The small matter of...

Over the years, from time-to-time, I have signposted important things that are happening in my life outside of my love of cars.  It helps me when I look back on what I wrote in this blog and adds context to my car-related posts.

So, what's occurring?  Well, on Monday/Tuesday Kate and I are completing the purchase of an idyllic cottage on the edge of the Forest of Dean complete with a brook AND a stream AND (hopefully) room to store a certain racecar.  Next Saturday (29th) Kate and I are then getting married.  Its all rushed-up rather fast and is all rather exciting and rather stressful. Its also costing rather a lot of cash which is another reason why car-related activity has slowed still further.

Also, its built like a big ol' kit car so probably deserves a mention: we've also bought a Land Rover Series III.  Its my post-racer project.  Or something.

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