Saturday 28 April 2012

A little less conversation, a little more action...

Plan A for this weekend was to head to Brands Hatch to watch the RGB racing.  I did however have the nagging doubt that my time would be better spent in the workshop.  The weather forecast sealed the deal and, while the shed was hardly toastie-warm, the couple of tweets that I've seen from RGB and Locost competitors suggest that I made a sound choice.

So, I had an afternoon of fabricating and tack-welding ahead of me again.  There really isn't anything exciting to see but here's the pics anyway:

First, the tabs for the rear floor/undertray/non-diffuser.
Next, I've added a support for the tube on which the gearbox is bolted - the last thing that I need is this tube bending or sagging.  A bit of suitably-sized CDS has done the trick.
Finally, while the bottom mounts for the oil cooler are very substantial, the general consensus is that they should be supported at both ends.  My plan is to bolt an aluminium frame to the chassis to do this job.  The little tabs to the left of the two bits of white tape are the result of more grinding, filing and drilling.
Dave at Track Developments is going to get some parts turned for the steering column, reverse mounts and fuel tank mounts.  That will then mean that we can test fit the bodywork to see where the tow-loops need to go and to see if the body itself needs any special brackets.

Next weekend is the Stoneleigh show so I'm unlikely to get into the garage.  I need to determine if there is anything I need to buy though.


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